Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Some things poor people do that rich people avoid!

One thing rich people don't do: they do not watch excessive TV nor focus on reality shows or chase celebrity gossip...if you think you are rich and indulge in these things, trust me you are not as rich as you should be. Let the discussion start! post your comments here..


  1. Very very true ma.In this modern time,reality tv has taken up so much of our lives.more than we even realise and the can be so addictive.The worst part of this is that at the end of the shows we often ask ourselves”what exactly did we gain”.At least I do.
    Let’s look at the previous message on the principle of compound effect with emphasis on no 7 and 8.No 7 talks about the ratio between enretainment and education.A rich person is always looking for ways to be richer.This to me can be education.Finding a way to get richer.No. 8 says we should eliminate the trigger for our bad habits so having identified the vices of too much social media, how do we eradicate it
    WE all have different perspectives to life but I for one believe that what you don’t know , you don’t miss.In practical terms,if u don’t start watching a reality programme ie big brother, you won’t be curious to know who wins it and focus so much attention on it
    I am not saying am not guilty of this sin too.......trust me I have my fair share( I love Judge Judy) am just saying this topic makes sense and if we want to excel, we need to be able to focus on what is important and if like the writer says, if you / we believe we are rich, then we can be even richer.SO let’s focus to achieve our potential

    1. Correct Dr Tee. Spot on! The principle of Compound effect playing out well...

    2. Exactly πŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ

  2. Well said...let him who has ears hear and apply!

  3. Very true, I just hope premier league doesn't qualify as reality show

    1. It doesnt qualify but be careful to prioritize well.Premier league is good for leisure after a hard day's job but remember
      Neymar and the gang earn so much chasing that little ball around...

  4. Yes that's true, they are busy with what matters rather than wasting their time on unnecessary things.

  5. I remember when I started my professional class and on day one the lecturer said; 'you guys will have to give up some premier league fixtures to pass this course in one sitting'. We laughed but he was right.
    It took me conscious effort to let go of Telemudu....I am very sure a lot of persons are still struggling with this.

    1. Correct. It is a struggle that must be won if success is desired.
      Learning to prioritize well is key to financial success.

  6. Very true ma.

  7. In line with financial management, rich people reinvest their excesses or gains or gifts while poor people spend both the capital and profits.

    It is beyond saying I REJECT POVERTY. One has to do what the rich so to become godly rich.

  8. Very true ma'am. Sometimes what poor people do at times is to their own disadvantage. The precious time that they are suppose to be hustling but they waste it following celebrity gossips. Which will lead to nothing! #Words I must confess. Continue the good works πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™πŸ½

  9. Each little time you get work on it build your future and don't come back running with regrets! πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™πŸ½

  10. I have always disciplined myself never to let my world revolve around a scree.

    Anyone how had a dream to pursue should train himself to avoid television, my father emphasised that to me, i listened

  11. Exactly ma'am.
    That's why in life the Rich keep on getting richer while the poor keep on getting poorer
    One thing again that poor people don't like doing is reading, The rich prefer to read books of value and impact meanwhile the poor detest reading with their whole mind, heart and soul.
    The rich have many inspirational books in which they read every single day and have a targeted 🎯 plan for that books.
    So, therefore if you want to be rich per say that is on your way to being detest the television and read books that will encourage and motivate you to do good things.
    God bless you all πŸ™ŒπŸΎπŸ™πŸ½❤


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